Russia, 2021.
The territory belongs to the so-called "lower" part of the city. Approximately equal to the upper part in terms of the number of inhabitants, the lower part is inferior to it in terms of infrastructure development. The request of residents to create a recreational zone in Nizhny Kirov, a place for active leisure, is very large, as evidenced by the results of a survey of residents. They ask to "equip the coastline", "make a beautiful embankment", "improve the place around the dam". The landscaping project will set the structure and logic of the territory, make it safe for pedestrians. A "point of attraction", a place for active leisure activities, will be created for residents of the lower part. The implementation of the project will be the first experience for the city of "project work", and not according to estimates. The city will be able to apply the gained experience on projects of improvement of other territories of Kirov.